The three parts of Argo are seen in context, Vela (the Sails) to the lower left, Puppis (the Stern) at center and right, upper Carina (the Keel) at bottom. Naos (Zeta Puppis) is at center. Directly above it is Tureis (Xi), and to the right of Tureis is Asmidiske (Xi). To the right of Naos find Pi; the pair below Pi is made of L2 and Li, while to the right of these is Nu. Suhail, Lambda Velorum, is to the left and a bit down from Naos, while brighter Regor (Suhail al-Muhlif) is down and to the right of Suhail. Delta Vel is then well down and to the left of Regor, while Markeb (Kappa Vel) is to the left of Delta. At the lower left corner shines Mu Velorum. Bright Canopus, in Carina, lies near the bottom edge to the right, while Chi Car is just below Regor. Avior (Epsilon Car) is off the picture down and to the left of Chi Car. Canis Major with brilliant Sirius is at upper right. Pyxis is at center, with Antlia at center, while part of southern Hydra is at upper left. Delta and Kappa Vel are part of the False Cross. The Milky Way runs to the left of Canis Major, then brightens as it passes south through Puppis and Vela. Puppis can also be seen shifted left and in a different context.