Corvus (the box to left) and
Crater (center and up to the left) ride the back of
southern Hydra, which sprawls across the lower
half of the picture. Beta Hydrae, classical Hydra's southernmost star,
is at the extreme lower edge near the far left. Continuing to the east,
Gamma Hya is found to the east of
Corvus, while end of Hydra's tail (Pi Hya) is the west of southern
Libra. Clockwise from upper left,
Corvus's stars are Algorab (Delta), Gienah (Gamma), Minkar (Epsilon), and
Kraz (Beta). Eta is to the left of Algorab, while Alchiba (Alpha) is below
Minkar. Alkes (Alpha Crateris) is just down and to the right of center,
while Delta Crt is just above center. The red variable star R
Crateris is immediately to the left of Alkes, while the deep red carbon
star V Hydrae is down and a bit to the right of it.