The extreme southern portion of
Eridanus, the River, winds its way
as an S-shaped string of stars on the left side of the picture. The
River ends at Achernar, a bright blue star at lower center that appears reddish
here because it is seen through a great thickness of atmosphere
just above the southern horizon. Chi Eri is up from and a bit to the left of
Achernar, with Phi further to the left. The River continues up and to the
left to meet the more northern part of Eridanus.
The two parts of the constellation are linked by s Eridani (HR 789),
the modestly bright star near the upper left corner.
The three stars of
central Horlogium (Iota on top, pointed to by Chi and Phi)
lie just below the left center edge. Only
faint un-named stars lie between these and northern
Horologium. Southern Horologium lies yet farther down.
The stars of eastern
Phoenix are toward the right, to the west of