Camelopardalis Though it sprawls across a good part of the picture, the modern constellation Camelopardalis, the Giraffe, is represented by only a few modest stars near its western end. The picture is seen as rising with north up and to the left. No star in Camelopardis has a proper name and only three carry Greek letter names. Alpha is in the center of the picture. Beta, the constellation's brightest star, is down and to the right of Alpha, while Gamma is up and to the left. HR 1035 and 1040 appear to the right of Gamma, while 7 Cam is down and to the left of Beta.

At the right lower edge is Capella in Auriga, at the right edge Mirfak in Perseus, and toward the upper left corner Polaris in Ursa Minor. The stars of western Lynx (the Lynx) appear near the lower edge left of center, while Ursa Major lies at the lower left corner.