The Constellations of Northern Spring, Southern Autumn

Map 4
mag scale

Map 4 shows the constellations of northern spring, southern autumn, for 8:30 PM for the month at the top between declinations 60 degrees north and 60 degrees south and from right ascension 06h 30m to 13h 30m. For each hour thereafter, the sky shifts one hour to the right. The ecliptic crosses the celestial equator (zero degrees declination) at the Autumnal Equinox in Virgo. The Milky Way, centered on the Galactic Equator, the mid-line of the Galaxy, runs from right center to lower left. The "Praesepe" in Cancer is the Beehive Cluster. (The constellation outlines are not necessarily the same as those on the photographs in the Stars pages.)

Missing Constellation

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