The prominent Y-shaped asterism called
the "Water Jar" (or "Urn") of Aquarius, the
Water Bearer, is in the middle of the picture and is made of a
"Y" of stars with Zeta Aquarii) at the center. The faintest, Seat (Pi)
is at the upper right of the Jar; Eta is at left, Sadachbia (Gamma)
at lower right.
Sadalmelik, Aquarius's Alpha star, is
immediately to the right of the Water Jar, just to the right of
center, and is tied for the brightest star in the image. The other
bright star, just below center near the right-hand edge of the
picture, is Sadalsuud, Beta Aquarii.
Hydor (Lambda) is the brightest
star down and to the left of the asterism.
The promient trio of stars near the lower left corner are (from
left to right) Psi-3, Psi-2, and Psi-1. Directly above them lie
Chi and Phi Aquarii. Albali, Epsilon Aqr (along with Mu and Nu
Aquarii), lies above western Capricornus off
the picture to the right. Nu and 53 Aqr also appear on the image
Capricornus shifted east.
Part of the "Circlet" of
Pisces lies at left.