Constellations are named patterns of stars. All societies
created them. The classical -- "ancient" -- constellations that
populate our sky began in the lands of the middle east thousands
of years ago, their origins largely lost to time. They passed
through the hands of the ancient Greeks, who overlaid them with
their legends and codified them in story and verse. During Roman
times they were assigned Latin names.
The 48 ancient constellations single out only the bright
patterns. From around 1600 to 1800, post-Copernican astronomers
invented hosts of "modern" constellations from the faint stars
that lie between the classical figures, from pieces of ancient
constellations, and from the stars that occupy the part of the
southern sky that could not be seen from classical lands. They
also separated the ship Argo into three
parts, yielding 50 ancient constellations.
In the early twentieth century, the International Astronomical
Union (IAU) adopted 38 of the modern constellations and drew
rectangular borders around all 88. Many of these contain
informal constellations, or "asterisms," that are often the first
to be learned, Ursa Major holding the
"Big Dipper" and so on. Other
asterisms, like the Winter Triangle,
cut across constellation boundaries. Some constellations look
like what they are supposed to represent, but most do not.
Constellations, both ancient and modern, are generally meant to
honor and represent, not to portray.
The constellations play an important role in modern astronomy.
They bring order to the sky by dividing it into smaller segments,
providing a base for naming celestial objects. Though the
brighter stars commonly carry "proper
names" that come mostly from Arabic, they are also assigned
Greek letters and Arabic numbers to which are
affixed the Latin possessive forms of the constellation names, Vega, for example, also known as "Alpha of
Lyra," or "Alpha Lyrae." The IAU also adopted three-letter
abbreviations for all the constellations and their possessives,
Vega thus becoming Alpha Lyr.
The accepted constellations are listed alphabetically in the
table below. The columns give, in order:
Andromeda | Chained Lady | Andromedae | And | EN-NP | Alpheratz=Alpha, Mirach=Beta | Perseus myth; Daughter of Cassiopeia and Cepheus; galaxy M 31 | |
Antlia | Air Pump | Antliae | Ant | ES | Alpha | Modern | |
Apus | Bird of Paradise | Apodis | Aps | SP | Alpha | Modern | |
Aquarius | Water Bearer | Aquarii | Aqr | ES | Sadalsuud=Beta | Zodiac; Water Jar; wet quarter; Saturn and Helix Nebulae | |
Aquila | Eagle | Aquilae | Aql | E | Altair=Alpha | Summer Triangle | |
Ara | Altar | Arae | Ara | SP | Beta | Most southerly ancient | |
Aries | Ram | Arietis | Ari | EN | Hamal=Alpha | Zodiac | |
Auriga | Charioteer | Aurigae | Aur | EN-NP | Capella=Alpha | Three "Kids"; Galactic Anticenter" | |
Bootes | Herdsman | Bootis | Boo | EN | Arcturus=Alpha | Brightest N. hem. star | |
Caelum | Engraving Tool | Caeli | Cae | ES* | Alpha | Modern | |
Camelopardalis | Giraffe | Camelopardalis | Cam | NP | Beta | Modern | |
Cancer | Crab | Cancri | Cnc | EN | Al Tarf=Beta | Zodiac; Beehive Cluster | |
Canes Venatici | Hunting Dogs | Canum Venaticorum | CVn | EN-NP | Cor Caroli=Alpha-2 | Modern | |
Canis Major | Larger Dog | Canis Majoris | CMa | ES | Sirius=Alpha | Winter Triangle | |
Canis Minor | Smaller Dog | Canis Minoris | CMi | EN | Procyon=Alpha | Winter Triangle | |
Capricornus | Water Goat | Capricorni | Cap | ES | Deneb Algedi=Delta | Zodiac; wet quarter | |
Carina | Keel | Carinae | Car | SP | Canopus=Alpha | Argo | |
Cassiopeia | Queen | Cassiopeiae | Cas | NP | Shedar=Alpha | Perseus myth; Andromeda's mother; Gamma can be luminary | |
Centaurus | Centaur | Centauri | Cen | ES-SP | Rigil Kentaurus=Alpha | Hadar=Beta first mag. | |
Cepheus | King | Cephei | Cep | NP | Alderamin=Alpha | Perseus myth; Andromeda's father | |
Cetus | Whale/Sea Monster | Ceti | Cet | E | Deneb Kaitos=Beta | Perseus myth | |
Chamaeleon | Chameleon | Chamaeleontis | Cha | SP | Alpha | Modern | |
Circinus | Compasses | Circini | Cir | SP | Alpha | Modern | |
Columba | Dove | Columbae | Col | ES | Phact=Alpha | Modern | |
Coma Berenices | Berenices Hair | Comae Berenices | Com | EN | Beta | "Modern" but old; Coma Berenices Cluster; North Galactic Pole | |
Corona Australis | Southern Crown | Coronae Australis | CrA | ES-SP | Alfecca Meridiana=Alpha; Beta | Sagittarius's crown | |
Corona Borealis | Northern Crown | Coronae Borealis | CrB | EN | Alphecca=Alpha | Ariadne's Crown | |
Corvus | Crow, Raven | Corvi | Crv | ES | Gienah=Gamma | "Pointers" to Spica | |
Crater | Cup | Crateris | Crt | ES | Delta | Very faint | |
Crux | Southern Cross | Crucis | Cru | SP | Acrux=Alpha | Modern; icon of southern hemisphere | |
Cygnus | Swan | Cygni | Cyg | EN-NP | Deneb=Alpha | Northern Cross, Summer Triangle | |
Delphinus | Dolphin | Delphini | Del | EN | Rotanev=Beta | Wet quarter | |
Dorado | Swordfish | Doradus | Dor | SP | Alpha | Modern; South Ecliptic Pole; LMC | |
Draco | Dragon | Draconis | Dra | NP | Eltanin=Gamma | North Ecliptic Pole; Cat's Eye Nebula | |
Equuleus | Little Horse | Equulei | Eql | EN | Kitalpha=Alpha | Smallest ancient const. | |
Eridanus | River | Eridani | Eri | ES-SP | Achernar=Alpha | Second longest | |
Fornax | Furnace | Fornacis | For | ES | Alpha | Modern | |
Gemini | Twins | Geminorum | Gem | EN | Pollux=Beta | Zodiac; Summer Solstice; cluster M 35; Eskimo Nebula | |
Grus | Crane | Gruis | Gru | ES-SP | Al Nair=Alpha | Modern | |
Hercules | Hero; Hercules | Herculis | Her | EN | Kornephoros=Beta | "The Kneeler"; cluster M 13 | |
Horologium | Clock | Horologii | Hor | ES-SP* | Alpha | Modern | |
Hydra | Water Serpent | Hydrae | Hya | E-ES | Alphard=Alpha | Longest const. | |
Hydrus | Water Snake | Hydri | Hyi | SP | Beta | Modern | |
Indus | Indian | Indi | Ind | SP | The Persian=Alpha | Modern | |
Lacerta | Lizard | Lacertae | Lac | EN-NP* | Alpha | Modern | |
Leo | Lion | Leonis | Leo | EN | Regulus=Alpha | Zodiac | |
Leo Minor | Smaller Lion | Leonis Minoris | LMi | EN | Praecipua=46 | Modern | |
Lepus | Hare | Leporis | Lep | ES | Arneb=Alpha | Orion's prey | |
Libra | Scales | Librae | Lib | ES | Zubeneschamali=Beta | Zodiac | |
Lupus | Wolf | Lupi | Lup | ES-SP | Alpha | Classic odd star Chi Lup | |
Lynx | Lynx | Lyncis | Lyn | EN-NP* | Alpha | Modern | |
Lyra | Lyre | Lyrae | Lyr | EN | Vega=Alpha | Summer Triangle; Ring Nebula | |
Mensa | Table | Mensae | Men | SP* | Alpha | Modern | |
Microscopium | Microscope | Microscopii | Mic | ES* | Gamma | Modern | |
Monoceros | Unicorn | Monocerotis | Mon | E* | Beta | Modern | |
Musca | Fly | Muscae | Mus | SP | Alpha | Modern | |
Norma | Square | Normae | Nor | ES-SP* | Gamma-2 | Modern | |
Octans | Octant | Octantis | Oct | SP* | Nu | Modern; South Celestial Pole | |
Ophiuchus | Serpent Bearer | Ophiuchi | Oph | E | Rasalhague=Alpha | With Serpens; on ecliptic; cluster M 10 | |
Orion | Hunter; Orion | Orionis | Ori | E | Rigel=Beta | Winter Triangle; Orion Nebula | |
Pavo | Peacock | Pavonis | Pav | SP | Peacock=Alpha | Modern | |
Pegasus | Winged Horse | Pegasi | Peg | EN | Enif=Epsilon | Perseus myth, Great Square; cluster M 15 | |
Perseus | Hero; Perseus | Persei | Per | EN-NP | Mirfak=Alpha | Perseus myth; rescuer of Andromeda; Double Cluster; Alpha Per Cluster | |
Phoenix | Phoenix | Phoenicis | Phe | ES-SP | Ankaa=Alpha | Modern | |
Pictor | Easel | Pictoris | Pic | SP | Alpha | Modern | |
Pisces | Fishes | Piscium | Psc | E-EN | Kullat Nunu=Eta | Zodiac; Vernal Equinox; Circlet; wet quarter | |
Piscis Austrinus | Southern Fish | Piscis Austrini | PsA | ES | Fomalhaut=Alpha | Wet quarter | |
Puppis | Stern | Puppis | Pup | ES-SP | Naos=Zeta | Argo | |
Pyxis | Compass | Pyxidis | Pyx | ES | Alpha | Modern | |
Reticulum | Net | Reticuli | Ret | SP | Alpha | Modern | |
Sagitta | Arrow | Sagittae | Sge | NE | Gamma | Arrow of Hercules; of Cupid | |
Sagittarius | Archer | Sagittarii | Sgr | ES | Kaus Australis=Epsilon | Zodiac; Winter Solstice; Little Milk Dipper; Teapot; Galactic center | |
Scorpius | Scorpion | Scorpii | Sco | ES | Antares=Alpha | Zodiac | |
Sculptor | Sculptor's Studio | Sculptoris | Scl | ES | Alpha | Modern; South Galactic Pole | |
Scutum | Shield | Scuti | Sct | ES | Alpha | Modern | |
Serpens | Serpent | Serpentis | Ser | E | Unukalhai=Alpha | Two parts; with Ophiuchus | |
Sextans | Sextant | Sextantis | Sex | E | Alpha | Modern | |
Taurus | Bull | Tauri | Tau | EN | Aldebaran= Alpha | Zodiac; Hyades; Pleiades; Galactic anticenter | |
Telescopium | Telescope | Telescopii | Tel | ES-SP | Alpha | Modern | |
Triangulum | Triangle | Trianguli | Tri | EN | Beta | Galaxy M 33 | |
Triangulum Australe | Southern Triangle | Trianguli Australis | TrA | SP | Atria=Alpha | Modern | |
Tucana | Toucan | Tucanae | Tuc | SP | Alpha | Modern; SMC; | |
Ursa Major | Greater Bear | Ursae Majoris | UMa | NP | Alioth=Epsilon | Big Dipper/Plough; Ursa Major Cluster | |
Ursa Minor | Smaller Bear | Ursae Minoris | UMi | NP | Polaris=Alpha | Little Dipper; North Celestial Pole | |
Vela | Sails | Velorum | Vel | ES-SP | Regor=Gamma | Argo | |
Virgo | Maiden | Virginis | Vir | E | Spica=Alpha | Zodiac; Autumnal Equinox | |
Volans | Flying Fish | Volantis | Vol | SP* | Gamma | Modern | |
Vulpecula | Fox | Vulpeculae | Vul | EN* | Anser=Alpha | Modern; Coathanger non-cluster; Dumbbell Nebula |