The Moon has entered the umbra, the dark shadow of the Earth.
The circular outline of the shadow was in ancient times powerful evidence
that the Earth is a sphere. |
As the Moon enters deeper into the umbra, the circular outline of the
shadow becomes even more pronounced. |
The Moon is almost immersed in the umbra, and only a sliver of the bright
lunar disk is left. The eclipsed portion of the Moon is red
from sunlight playing off the Earth's atmosphere and lighting the
shadow. |
The Moon has just entered totality. The variation in the
brightness of the shadow
is obvious, the Moon much brighter at the shadow's western edge (upper right)
than toward its center. |
Central eclipse. The Moon passed south of the center of the shadow,
so the northern portion of the Moon, closest to the center, is the
darkest. As the Moon moves through the umbra, the brightest portion
of the shadow swings to the left. |
The Moon is now about
to leave the umbra, so the eastern edge of the still-eclipsed Moon is
now quite bright. |
The Moon has now left the umbra and the circular outline of
the shadow is again very prominent. |